Curug Ciharus, piknik Alam di Leles Garut

Curug Ciharus – Air terjun yang satu ini dipandang hanya menurut nama Curug Dano, berlandaskan berkecukupan di Desa Dano, Kecamatan Leles, Kabupaten Garut. komune terkaan menunggangi air berasal curug ini bagai pengaritan untuk parak sayur. Ya, disekitarnya tinggi banget lahan yang diselesaikan komune seakan-akan lahan pertanian.jika kalian

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Baking Tips For An Autumn Eid!

Fruits have several overall health benefits that help stop overall health complications like heat stroke, higher blood stress, cancer , heart issues, and diabetes They effectively fight skin issues and promote healthful hair development. The important amounts of minerals such as phosphorus, potassium, and calcium discovered in these dry fruit

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